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Fever Dream

Fever Dreams: What They Are and Why They Happen

What Are Fever Dreams?

Fever dreams are vivid, unpleasant dreams that sometimes accompany a fever. They are typically described as visually disturbing and stressful, and they can often leave a lasting impression even after the fever has broken.

Theories on What Causes Fever Dreams

Researchers theorize that the heating of the brain during a fever can affect the way that the brain processes information, leading to the vivid and disturbing dreams that are characteristic of fever dreams.

Another theory is that fever dreams are caused by the body's release of chemicals called cytokines, which are produced in response to infection. These chemicals can affect the brain's activity, leading to changes in mood and sleep patterns.

The Cultural Significance of Fever Dreams

The phrase "fever dream" has been used in literature and popular culture for centuries to describe strange and surreal experiences. In some cases, fever dreams have been used to represent mental illness or madness.

In other cases, fever dreams have been used as a source of inspiration for artists and writers. For example, the surrealist painter Salvador Dalí often claimed that his paintings were inspired by the vivid fever dreams that he experienced during his childhood.


Fever dreams are a common experience that can be both fascinating and disturbing. While the scientific literature on fever dreams is still relatively limited, researchers are beginning to understand more about the causes and effects of these strange and vivid dreams.
