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Dota 2: Top Item and Skill Builds for High MMR Pubs

The Current Meta

The current support gameplay is exceptionally rewarding, with both position four and five supports having a significant impact on the game. This is due in part to the increased importance of vision and map control, as well as the addition of new items and abilities that are designed to support team play.

Top Item Builds

The most popular item builds for supports in high MMR pubs vary depending on the hero and the game mode. However, some of the most common items include: *

Glimmer Cape: This item provides a powerful dispel and slow, which can be used to save teammates or set up kills. It is also relatively inexpensive, making it a good option for supports who are on a budget.


Force Staff: This item can be used to save teammates, disrupt enemy positioning, or even initiate fights. It is a versatile item that can be used in a variety of situations.


Aether Lens: This item increases the cast range of all spells, which can be very helpful for supports who rely on their abilities to have an impact. It is also a good source of mana regeneration, which can be crucial for supports who are constantly casting spells.

Top Skill Builds

The most popular skill builds for supports in high MMR pubs also vary depending on the hero. However, some of the most common skill builds include: *

Maxing out the heal spell first: This is a common skill build for supports who are focused on keeping their teammates alive. It allows them to heal their teammates more frequently and for more damage.


Maxing out the disable spell first: This is a common skill build for supports who are focused on disrupting the enemy team. It allows them to disable enemy heroes more frequently and for longer durations.


Getting a value point in each spell before maxing one out: This is a common skill build for supports who are looking to be more versatile. It allows them to have access to all of their spells early on, and then they can max out the spells that are most effective in the current game.

Overall, the current Dota 2 meta is very supportive. Supports have a significant impact on the game, and there are a variety of item and skill builds that can be used to optimize their performance.
